{"id":636,"date":"2022-01-18T10:34:36","date_gmt":"2022-01-18T18:34:36","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/jumpeducation.com\/?p=636"},"modified":"2022-01-18T10:35:00","modified_gmt":"2022-01-18T18:35:00","slug":"top-reasons-for-early-college-high-school-alternative","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/jumpeducation.com\/top-reasons-for-early-college-high-school-alternative\/","title":{"rendered":"Top Reasons For Early College"},"content":{"rendered":"
Three Key Benefits of Early College<\/b><\/h5>\n

If you are a high school-aged teen, in my state of Kentucky or anywhere else in our country, you can likely benefit from the Early College path. If you\u2019ve read through this website, you\u2019ll recognize some of these benefits as almost universal.\u00a0 At the Community College where I work in Kentucky, Early College students have a variety of reasons for bypassing regular high school. I want to take a few minutes to share with you a couple of the main benefits of the Early College high school path and this high school alternative choice.<\/span><\/p>\n

Increased Freedom Leads to Increased Motivation<\/b><\/h5>\n

\u00a0Students love the freedom they get when they do Early College. No longer are they stuck in the halls of high school from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. At Community College, students have so much more choice in what subjects they study and when they are in class. And our college doesn\u2019t even hold classes on Friday, except for some science labs. This extra free day in their week, along with the open spaces in the daily schedule that every college student has, gives students the time to pursue the activities they are drawn to outside of school.\u00a0 With the increased variety of classes and freedom to choose what classes to take, they are able to explore their educational interests more deeply when enrolled in an Early College program.\u00a0 They aren\u2019t bound so closely to their traditional high school curriculum and can take a number of elective courses, which allows them to deeply explore subjects they know they love. If they haven\u2019t found a subject they are really drawn to yet, they can take a wide range of classes to discover what they are passionate about. When they finally discover what that passion is, a student can take four or five classes in that subject area, on their way to earning an Associate Degree in High School.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Why is it that Early College students often report that their motivation increased so much once they began attending Community College?\u00a0 <\/span>According to best-selling author, Dan Pink<\/a>, there are three key elements that increase motivation:<\/span><\/p>\n